
Eggsy X reader welcome to the kingsmen of 3

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Your POV

"I can't believe we were given a bloody pup!" Philip said with a rather disgusted tone. Larson happily played with his ditch hound, while you pet you pitbull mix breed.

"I honestly think that it is a pleasant surprise" you said as you held your baby pup in the air

"Shall I name you? Elijah?" You asked the girl pup who licked your face in response.

"I take it that you like that huh?" You giggled. Suddenly Merlin Honked a rather loud horn

"Now listen we have an assignment to do" he yelled, you rolled your eyes

"Let's get this over with" you replied.

Eggsy POV

I sat on the balcony watching as the trainees were running with their pups, Roxy suddenly slipped beside me and giggled

"And look who's falling behind" I turned my head, you were left behind the others while you dig sat on the ground deciding not to move"

"She really is your student huh?"

"Shut up" I replied, I stared back at y/n wondering how she was going to do this. Her pup wasn't small enough to fit in her pocket.

"Damn, she needs to hurry by this rate she'll really be the last one" Roxy stated, I stood from my seat, but Roxy pushed me back down

"You can't help her, she needs to figure this out" I was about to protest but Roxy turned my head back to y/n. The dog was running while y/n started to giggle

"Keep going Elijah!! Keep going!!" She screamed, there. Were times where her puppy fumbled yet somehow it ran quickly, as soon as the dog ran y/n made it to first place without any trouble.

"Wow, that's it!" I said laughing

"Did you see that Roxy first place, and soon, she'll be one of us" I said with a smile, Roxy looked at me then towards y/n

"You really want this girl huh? Why?" She asked, I glanced at Roxy then back to you

"Well I guess it's because she somewhat reminds me of me" I replied, Roxy slowly nodded and crossed her arms

"Ok, well we should go back, we need to figure out that case with the secret organization. " Roxy said leaving me. My jaw locked, whoever created this organization killed two kingsmen. I stood up and took one last glance at you. Good luck y/n. With that I left the balcony.

Your POV

You quickly fell onto the bed and sighed

"Good job Elijah!" You said to your tired pup lying beside you, you giggled at the dogs tiredness and you left her a kiss on her snout, you loved your new companion.

"Ehh look at miss number one!" Phillip said with a sarcastic tone, he went to his side of the room and started to change

"You know your actually pretty skillful, I wonder what other skills your hiding" he said with a rather suggestive tone, you sat up from your bed and glared at the rude brat.

"Yeah kicking your ass would probably be one of them" Larson intervened, you laughed at his joke and Philip started to walk towards the boys room

"See you later Yankee" I watched as he walked away, Larson slowly walked to my bed and smiled at me.

"So are you going to the outing with us?" He asked, you shook your head and laid back down onto the bed.

"Not interested " you stated. Larson sighed in disappointment

"Well you better come next time" with that he left you alone in the sleeping chambers.

A few moments later

You were taking a nap with your new companion but someone shook you awake

"What?" You grumbled as you turned to your side

"Are you going to waste your free time sleeping?" You quickly sat up to that recognizable voice

"Eggsy what are you doing here?" You asked as you stood from your bed. He laughed at your shaken state and brushed Elijah's fur

"Calm down I just came to check on you, I heard that you decided to stay back from the recruit" you nodded in response

"Well, how about we have a little outing on our own?" He asked, you shook your head

"Absolutely not, wouldn't we get in trouble?" You exclaimed

"Only if we get caught" he stood up from the bed and walked toward the door

"Be ready in ten minutes and meet me outside" with that he left the room, you quickly turned to your dog and sighed

"What do you think, should I go?" You asked her, she quickly barked in response

"Ok if you say so."

Eggsy drove you to a nearby pub, you were wearing a white v neck shirt, with a leather jacket and comfty boyfriend jeans

"A pub?" You asked

"What the food here is amazing" he exclaimed as he pulled your arm towards the entrance. You both were seated on the bar stool and expected your surroundings

"It's actually pretty nice here" you stated as you listened to the music that was playing

"Arctic monkeys"

"What?" Eggsy asked confused

"That's the band name of the song that is playing" you answered, Eggsy just laughed and pat your head gently

"American girl knows some British bands, that's interesting" you quickly swatted his hand away

"Are you going to order us something or not? I'm hungry" Eggsy laughed and whispered something to the bartender, who nodded in response

"What did you tell him?" You asked

"I told him to get you something special, you earned it" Eggsy answered

You and Eggsy enjoyed a few drinks and talked about each other's lives while you were finishing your meals, soon when it was coming closer to eleven you told Eggsy it was best to leave now.

"this was actually better than staying in" you told Eggsy

"Is that your way of saying thanks?" Eggsy joked

"Thank you" you said with an embarrassed face

"No problem, if you want we can do this every outing time" he offered

"Really?" You asked in surprise

"Of course" he said with a smile, you nodded and smiled at the statement, suddenly you heard a lot of screaming coming from a specific area

"What the hell?" Eggsy said as stopped and turned around a group of people ran out of a building that was on fire, a lady was screaming

"Someone help the prime minister of Italy is stuck in there!" Eggsy grabbed you by the shoulders and looked into your eyes

"Stay here, I'll be right back" he said as he quickly ran into burning building.

"Lucy! Lucy!!" A woman screamed you ran to her and asked her what was wrong

"I can't find my daughter, we were in the building but I lost her as the crowd pushed me out" she cried, you stared at the building and looked towards the woman

"Call the ambulance I'll look for your daughter" you sprinted towards the building door and enters the building. The smoke was filling your longs and you used your shirt as a mask, you looked around the tables and saw the table cover move a bit. You ran to it and pulled it off, once you did a little girl was sitting there with tears in her eyes

"Hi Lucy" you said gently, you quickly pulled your leather jacket off of your body

"Now look, your mom is waiting outside for you ok? This jacket is going to protect you, all you have to do is put it on" Lucy nodded her head and slowly walked her way towards you, once she hold onto you, you draped the jacket onto her form and picked her up

"Okay Lucy, now I want you to do me a big favor, I want you to hum a soothing song, do you think you can do that for me?" You asked, the girl nodded in your arms started to humm

"Good" you looked around the room, and toy realized that the way you entered was now engulfed with flames. You looked up to the balcony and saw curtains that was untouched and a window.

"Ok" you ran to the untouched curtain and started to climb up, As you were half way towards your destination a piece of the ceiling was falling towards you, you pushed against the wall and swung yourself out of the way, the girls grasp on you tightened

"It's ok Lucy everything is going to be ok" you reassured her. You took in a deep breath and continued to climb up, once you made it up you placed both feet in the ground. You cracked the window and saw that it was a long way down

"Crap" you whispered, you frantically looked around you and saw a long piece of rope that was cut off of the curtains

"Okay Lucy hold on tight"  you whispered as you tied the rope around your waist and the other end to the balcony pole

"Please work" you prayed, without any word you jumped out of the window.

Eggsy POV

It didn't take too long but I got the prime minister out of the building

"Thank you" he said and I shook my head

"It's my pleasure" I added, I took a glance to where I saw y/n last, but she was missing

"Y/n!?" I screamed as I ran around the area, I saw a lady crying and I quickly ran to her

"Excuse me ma'am but have you seen a girl with a leather jacket and h/c hair?"

"She ran into the building to find my daughter" I looked towards he building and panic struck me.

"Y/n!" I screamed as I tried to run back to the entranced hitch was now engulfed with flames

"Shit! Y/n!" I screamed. I searched around to find if there were anyway into the building

"Look!" Someone screamed, I look toward up and saw you jumping out of the building with a rope tied around your waist, you stopped,just above the ground and untied yourself. You were holding a little girl in your arms, and a smile on your face.

"This fuckin girl" I said in disbelief

Your POV

You were on ground, a smile spread across your face and you slowly brought the girl to the ground

"Good job Lucy" you said suddenly the girl's mother ran to you and grabbed her daughter

"Thank you, thank you" she cried, you shook your head

"Lucy was brave in there, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't had made it out" you replied, you gave a small pat on the girl and she quickly hugged you tight

"Thank you" she whispered, you felt yourself tear up a bit as you hugged her back. After a few moments, you let her go and watched as she grabbed her mothers hand, telling her how you escaped the building. However once you stood you faced a very stern looking Eggsy.

"What the hell does stay here mean?" He said in a very angry tone

"Look before you yell at me, I want you to realize, I saved someone's life. Isn't that what kingsmen do?" Eggsys eyes softened and he sighed

"Good job" you smiled at his statement

"But next time tell me before you risk your life alright"

"Eggsy how can I do that when I don't have a walkytalky" you stated, Eggsy stopped and thought about it

"Yeah.....I'll work on that" he said, you quickly giggled

"Shit watch out!" Eggsy grabbed you mad pulled you to the ground. Gunshots were heard and screaming rose from the audience. As you looked pass eggsy's shoulder you saw a car driving away and a man with a tattoo on his arm.

"Are you ok?" Eggsy asked as he grabbed your face and searched for any signs of harm

"I'm fine" you answered

"Prime minister!" We both stood and ran to the woman who was hunched over the prime minister, he was shot in throat.

"Call the ambulance" you told her, you placed your fingers onto the wound and tried to slow down the bleeding

"It's ok prime minister, we're here to help" you reassured him. You stayed with him till the ambulance came.
I'm sorry for the few swear words, but they did swear a lot in the movie
© 2016 - 2024 Janjan76
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PhoenixChild18's avatar

I really enjoyed reading this. I hope to read more. I know that this was made or submitted back in 2016. But I want to read more now.